“Its an opening, a crack in the anti-secession cabal.”
I’m still waiting for someone, anyone, to propose a solution as to how you overcome, electorally, a majority now utterly dependent on government handouts and a political party determined to grow that majority to the greatest extent possible other than separation or surrender to it.
> Im still waiting for someone, anyone, to propose a
> solution as to how you overcome, electorally, a majority
> now utterly dependent on government handouts and a
> political party determined to grow that majority to the
> greatest extent possible other than separation or
> surrender to it.
Wait no more. It can be done the same way they did it: by vote fraud. But I strongly recommend against it and that’s just me.
Here’s an idea - you cannot vote unless you pay $1 more in tax than the sum of any government transfer payments (welfare, disability, etc.) that you received in the preceding year.