BS Nothing more than changing the narrative....AGAIN
“Sources” have already said it was not a criminal investigation.
Petraeus ain’t a victim. He’s a political animal. His #1 priority is promoting himself. The sad thing is the number of high ranking officers, especially in the Navy, fired for unzipping their pants. Our military has a leadership deficit. We will get our heads handed to us in the next conflict.
Is not Broadwell part of the Army Reserve? When and where did the affair (or series of affairs) take place. If he was in Afghanistan prior to his resignation from the military would not he be culpable? Is not broadwell culpable too. What about the Kelley woman too? There must be something in the water since the woman seem to get their undies in a bunch, the astronaunt (woman) had a thing for another astronaunt. The two ladies were having a cat fight over a married man when they are already married. Gee this is going to get interesing, probably Broadwell wants to promote her book All In. Gee in ministry we have enough time trying to keep our churches together and doing addiional careers to offset the low pay as ministers.
I believe there is more to this than just a sexual escapade?
The FBI should never have been involved in this. Two b*$%^@s having a cyber catfight and the FBI gets into it??? They have too much time on their hands. Cut their budget.
When Congressional politicians start making decisions about FBI investigations being moved forward or covered up is when we always get the cover ups, just like the Jane Harman traitor slxt who wants to be CIA Director more than anything, and probably helped orchestrate Petraeuses downfall. Harman should be serving time not “serving her constituents”.
These other bimbos targeted Petraeous just as others have targeted those in high level positions.
Anything to blame a Republican. Sheesh.
I would really love to know what file Petreus uncovered over there at the CIA.
Sounds like the general crossed the “administration”. One shall not cross the administration.
November 18, 2012 Former CIA Director General David Petraeus has hired a top Washington lawyer to help him navigate the fallout from a career-ending affair, Reuters has confirmed.
The lawyer, Robert Barnett of Williams & Connolly, is known for negotiating book deals for the political elite, from President Barack Obama to one-time vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.