They can start with “early voting” — the perfect cover for systematic vote fraud.
The election was stolen...
ALL it takes is a couple of BALLS to find out HOW..
Everybody knows it was stolen..
Any that says it wasn’t is a COWARD...
Idiot RINOs will never learn.
Hannity also railed against Akin and Mourdock on FOX tonight and Eric Bolling said we need our candidates to run on fiscal issues, not social issues.
How blind are these guys? That’s exactly what Mitt Romney just did.
We need them to just stop.
Some took a day off today.
Try questioning why they were unnundated with crowds, happy,spontaneous crowds, while Bronco couldn’t get his wife and 2,000 people to come out for Bruce Doodooo Head and JayZ, or however he spells his silly moniker.
And yet he lost the vote.
NOT for sore loser ship but to use their intellect, an oxymoron in this case, to remedy the situation.
Obama won because he turned out his base by being as far-left as they wanted him to be, including endorsing same-sex marriage, and he demonized his opposition.
If we had energized the right-wing of the party and bashed Obama on every issue at every turn without pulling any punches, we would’ve won. Obviously Romney pretty much did the latter in the first debate for a total of 90 minutes of his campaign, and won it handily with a 5-point bump in the polls. Then we heard they decided to “back off” totally by the 3rd debate because they were afraid they’d create “sympathy” for Obama if they kept being tough on him.
In the case of the former, it will be a great way to nuke his career on both radio and TV. (How many ratings points has Fox News lost since Roger Ailes announced that course correction last year?)
Hannity, Boehner For Amnesty?
I’ve always said that Hannity is a closeted liberal. Look at his callers. An endless parade of braindead liberals.
Boner and Hannity, not the 2 brightest bulbs in the lamp!!
Voter fraud on a scale never seen before.
Hannity must’ve forgot Republicans already did amnesty.
I heard Hannity yesterday talk of his “evolving” position. What a milquetoast.
Too many fine people stayed at home and turned their collective backs on this nation when she absolutely needed them most and now sit back and criticize the GOP for what went wrong. As a result of THEIR inaction ... this nation has fundamentally change because they did not heed the clarion call for protection. All I can say now is Shame on you! So what will happen when you finally get your PERFECT candidate next election ... will the other 3 million voters stay home because they don't like the flavor of the month? What will the history books say about this time of need?
This whole thing stinks to high heaven as far as I am concerned. This nation may have well gone down in defeat without a single shot being fired to protect her. All because of 3 million who would turn their backs because of their politics ... not seeing the need for the necessity of something called TEAMWORK which seems to be a strange foreign concept amongst conservatives!
The liberal GOP establishment wants to move left AKA Amnesty and higher taxes.
Who wants to vote for these buffoons?
If given a choice between the fake GOP liberals and the genuine leftist Democrats, the American people are going to vote for the genuine article every time.
I mean if these people no longer even pay lip service to conservatism, the GOP will soon go out of business! No one wants a party that is “me, too, only bigger.” It ain’t a winning position!
Here's a couple of excerpts:
The largest amnesty in history was the 1986 amnesty, which legalized 3 million illegal aliens, most of whom were Hispanic. The first presidential election in which they were eligible to vote was in 1996. The Republican candidate that year was Bob Dole the man who had been majority leader in the Senate in 1986 and helped pass the amnesty. The chief author of that amnesty was also a Republican, Sen. Alan Simpson. And that amnesty was signed into law by another Republican President Reagan. So, you would think there was resounding Hispanic support and gratitude for the Republican candidate in 1996. Wrong. Only 21 percent of Hispanics voted for the Republican.In this election, 74 percent of the voters were white, 13 percent were black, 9 percent Hispanic, 2 percent Asian, etc. To put it bluntly, given such a vast majority of white voters, you have to wonder why ethnic pandering would be needed at all for Republicans to win elections. What the Republicans need is a return to the conservative values that brought many victories in the past. Republicans could once again attract a resounding majority consisting of white voters and self-reliant nonwhites by loudly propounding economic and social policies that favor middle-class financial security and prosperity. But supporting liberal immigration policies is not the way. There is simply no evidence that liberal immigration policies ever made middle-class voters feel secure and prosperous.
I think Boehner is doing this because by coming out first his putting on the Democrats to try to work with him
Yes, Hannity came out for amnesty yesterday on his show. He said he is “evolving” on the issue.
The GOPe has taken away any real power from Republican voters during the primaries, thus ensuring that the people’s wishes are ignored.
Ultimately, that is the cause of the Nov 6 debacle.
The GOP needs to end the practice of letting ANYBODY from any party vote in Republican primaries. Period.
The fact that so many of the early primary States allow this hideous rule cooks the primaries before most Republican voters have had a chance to vote in their primaries.
We will know the GOP is serious when they end that rule.
This was all just a game to Hannity, no more important than the Superbowl.
Republicans of every stripe REFUSE to admit this election was stolen..
and are devising plans and schemes that are extremely silly..
“We” didn’t loose at all... multiple votes and vote counting malfeasance some it totally UNKNOWN as yet.. caused the LOSS..
Conservatives came out in the greatest numbers they ever have in any election.. but we still LOST...
HOW could that be?... well duuuugh..
WHat would it take to actually PISS OFF a republican?..
Answer; NOBODY KNOWS YET.. its never been done..