Wonder how many stayed home?
Thank you for this article. I refuse to be lumped in with cafeteria Cathollics and left-wing Protestants.
Good luck figuring out who they thought you should vote for if you came to my church.
From the pulpit the only thing said about the mandate was an invitation to go to the parish website where you could access a link to the Bishops’ statement on it.
They handed out a voters guide in the bulletin that was a complete mish-mash of pro life, anti-mandate, immigration amnesty and “social justice” stuff.
It is clear the "Catholic vote" doesn't vote the way their church leadership encourages since a majority went with obama.
"Whatever the reasons for the elections final result, it seemingly is not due to lack of active concern from tens of millions of evangelicals and traditional Catholics."
Ping for later.
“Exit polling released through CNN revealed Protestant Christians (including evangelicals and Mainliners of all races), who made up 53 percent of the electorate, voted 42 percent for President Barack Obama and 57 percent for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.”
I understand the theological reservations that evangelicals have about Mormons and yes, I can understand how some evangelicals had problems with Romney’s record on social issues.
But seriously - 42% voted for Obama?!
What were they thinking - that by voting for Obama, they’d bring the End Times on faster?!
If I were an evangelical and had serious problems with Romney, serious enough to not wanna vote for him, I’d have let that race go blank on my ballot.
This proves there are a lot of “Christians” who are lost as a bunch of geese without a leader. No “Christian” who truly knows Christ could vote for a democrat. Especially the democrats of today. Reid is a Mormon who doesn’t act like any Mormon I ever met. And Pelosi doesn’t act like any Catholic I’ve ever know. And obama, well, we KNOW what he is.
Oh well. There goes another scapegoat for the Rinos - evangelical Christians. Sooner or later the liberal GOP will look in the mirror.
Now you know who your real friends are. Sane Catholics, meet evangelicals. Evangelicals, meet sane Catholics.