“Although, thats getting tougher to do... Because, men dont WANT To get married while theyve got barely-above-minimum wage jobs”........and, more importantly, I believe, is that many men will not make commitments to marriage with women because sex with multiple partners is so easy to find because wimin can have sex without consequences because of abortion, and other forms of birth control. “variety is the spice of life”, & “why buy the cow if your’e gettin’ the milk for free”? think those age old sayings have anything to do with it? wt*? wimin thought they were “liberatin’” themselves with abortion and other forms of birth control, but all they do now is hate & complain about the men who won’t make commitments. There’s a reason our amazing founding fathers didn’t give the vote to wimin......
hehehe... yes, in the macro view, the US has been a steady march to socialism... since women started voting! shhhh! (don't tell my wife!)
I have two sons, in prime potential marrying age (24,22). There is a lot of truth to what you say. There are certainly under NO "biological urges pressure" to get married.