Cali put Osama over the top in the pop vote. But it’s close. 49-49, Obama up less than 500 K. With the easy E vote for Obama it’s like 1960.
My mom is drunk, suicidal, renouced her faith and emailed me she sent immigration papers to Canada.
Please calm down everyone. America will survive. Get some sleep my friends. Or try to.
Back in 2004 I had a account on a DU type website and I was encouraging them to do crazy stuff like oppose the electors certification after that loss.
But Dems got their .. together and destroyed GWB (with his help)
Learn from history .Make O own it. And dont drink Koolaid (to general reader)
“Please calm down everyone. America will survive.”
Personally, I’m calm. I have the same feeling I had when my father died after being eaten away by cancer for several months: An odd tranquility.
And this country is as dead as my old man is. Now we can watch the rapid increase in the rate of decomposition of the carcas known as the USA.