The last thing Romney needs is the weekend before the election to be filled with media reports that he has made "wild, reckless, baseless" claims that the Obama administration was somehow running guns to Islamic terrorists and committing treason against this country. News like that might make a lot of Independents say "What a loon! I'm not voting for that guy! He's a nut!"
Re: the media salivating... There was a post earlier this week about yet ANOTHER media d-bag being caught on a hot mic waiting for Romney to say something “stupid”. They are all coiled like vipers (apologies to vipers everywhere) just waiting for the slightest chance to strike.
A recent example of them grasping at straws is the incident criticizing Romney for wanting to send foodstuffs to the victims of Sandy. The d-bag response was something along the lines of “what an idiot, they don’t need food, they (the Red Cross) need money”.
I’m of the mindset of baby steps to the elevator on this one. Get the job first and then get the job done. While I certainly understand the frustration about the lack of commentary on Romney’s part, I don’t think it’s wise to tamper with something that is about to blow sky high.
Romney knows what he is doing. Right now the info on the Embassy attack is scattered and I am betting the Republicans are telling him to lay low on it and let them do the talking and I must say they are doing a good job. They know the msm will not touch it as long as Romney is not talking. Just wait and see what happens if Mitt is elected.