Yes I’ve noticed that all the ‘working together’ rhetoric has been replaced - if it ever existed - by the same good old Yankee belligerence. They bring joy to so many Southern locales every time they depart to return home. Unfortunately, some are forgetting to depart altogether.
I also note that gas ‘licensing’ (sic) laws have been relaxed in order to facilitate cross-state-border distribution of fuel. What’s left unsaid is that all the different formulations exist due to the meddling of state EPA/DNR Little Hitlers over the years. Apparently, it’s never occurred to them that someone might fill up in State A while driving (i.e. combusting that fuel) in State B, natural disasters notwithstanding. But patronage jobs at the EPA/DNR are sure vote getters, eh?
IIRC thee is also a law in NJ you can’t fill your own tank, an attendant must fill it.
-—— They bring joy to so many Southern locales every time they depart to return home. -——
I visited a construction camp up north of Fairbanks Alaska and they had bumper stickers......
Happiness is seeing a Texan headed south (with an Okie under each arm)