Did he just call Willard “right wing” ?
Yeah I know right. Must be a magnet near his compass.
The worst extremists called Bill Clinton the greatest GOP President ever.
Those anti-corporate types think everyone to the right of Nader is “right wing” including Obama.
Milquetoast moderate GW Bush was successfully so branded by the MSM.
I recall being at a (non-political) lecture by a Brit who mentioned that he had seen a BBC special about how GW Bush had been raised in a radical, fundamentalist Christian environment.
In the audience were guys who had gone to junior high with him in Texas and had gone to Phillips with him in Massachusetts. They set the lecturer straight!
The lecturer was simply dumb-founded that the BBC could somehow be unreliable.
Yes, he did. Then again, to a person like Maher, anyone to the right of Vladimir Ily'ch Lenin is "right wing".