I subscribe to the conspiracy theory, myself. I think that Amb. Stevens was involved with sending weapons to al Qaeda in Syria and elsewhere and Obama was concerned about his story getting out; he was content to let him die rather than take the political risk.
Seems like sources have said that’s what was going on - that the arms were being routed to Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, who were giving them to ISLAMIST Syrian rebels aligned with Al Qaeda.
And the only person who could have denied Hillary Clinton’s request for more security for Stevens was Barack Obama. Obama personally set the stage for this attack. I’d really love to know how the US government was even aware of that video that had hardly any views and was created and uploaded by someone with ties to both the Muslim Brotherhood and Barack Obama. If Obama colluded in advance to create that video to use an excuse for this attack, then Obama not only ALLOWED this attack but actually may have been part of PLANNING it.
There’s a lot of information we need to have. The fact that the Obama regime is not cooperating with Congressional efforts to get to the bottom of this greatly increases the odds that this was not just incompetence but something much bigger.
Only thing is, why would Obama have planned on or prepared for this attack, if he was trying to hide the arms trafficking? I would think he’d want the area to remain as quiet as possible until after the election, unless Stevens was at risk of revealing what was going on. It just seems to me like there was too much advance preparation for this to have been planned by Al Qaeda without Obama’s help.
I’m thinking this was supposed to be an Obama-saves-the-day hostage crisis, planned together with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood (as coordinated in both Egypt and Libya by Ayman Zawahiri’s video and the Egyptian consulate attack directed by the newly-released brother of Zawahiri at the behest of Egyptian President Morsi).
But Stevens died instead of being merely taken hostage. Did they not realize that the smoke would kill him? What went wrong in the plan?
And they had to be high if they thought that the lowered security would not be a red flag. Maybe they were counting on the threatened media being the only voice heard? Maybe the Obama heroic theatrics were supposed to be so overwhelming that nobody would look at the run-up to the crisis?
Seems to me like no matter what happened, there had to have been massive doses of both treason and incompetence.