Did anyone else notice that Joe blamed the deficit on “2 wars on a credit card and a prescription drug benefit that wasn’t paid for” then later in the debate, extolled it as one of the great things he had given seniors, asked seniors if they liked that prescription drug benefit and said vote for us if you want to keep it?
Joe Biden came across as a demented Alzheimer’s patient... the one who prowls the nursing home corridors at night and sneaks into old ladies’ beds.
It was a WIN WIN WIN for Romney, Ryan, and the RNC!
The mulitiple personalities of a drunk came out last night. biden was constantly contradicting himself.
“He’s a walkin’ contradiction,
partly truth and partly fiction”.
And the truth is ugly.
Afghanistan and Iraq have cost about $1 trillion since 2001. The cost of the 2009 “Stimulus” Act, with interest, is about $1 trillion.
Which of these expenditures produced more jobs and had other positive economic effects?
LOL! Great point. But Biden made such an ass out of himself elsewhere, I wonder how few actually noticed.