To: LS; RetroSexual; StarFan; NautiNurse; GOPsterinMA; Bigg Red
Just thought of this: the next debate is foreign police. But Obama is mad, anxious, and will be extremely nasty and aggressive. How will THIS attitude play in a debate about foreign policy? Once again, Romney will turn the tables and look like the reasoned, level-headed "peacemaker" while Zero will look like a warmonger---exactly what they always accuse US of being. If I'm right on this, the first debate is the fastball setting Obama up for the slow curve.
Foreign policy... bring it on!!!
Thank you, RetroSexual for the pic above
80 posted on
10/04/2012 12:00:48 PM PDT by
(I'm with Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz: Romney / Ryan 2012)
To: nutmeg
As the saying goes, a picture says a thousand words. This one sums up Obamugabe’s foreign policy.
However, it could also be mistaken for an OWS photo.
81 posted on
10/04/2012 12:53:50 PM PDT by
Bigg Red
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