S’OK, FRiend.
How dare he.
I grew up poor. I did. I am not Black but do have some Black blood in me, apparently, from my father’s side of the family. It was discovered in blood tests a sibling had about 18 years ago or so.
The idea that poor folks don’t know what to do or how to act is not correct. There are plenty of people of all stripes that could stand some social graces.
Learn how to shop? How to act, speak? Good Lord, this man thinks this poorly of the poor? People who have been poor have to be smart, for there is no room for mistakes.
His attitude is that of a snob who has always “had”, and had PLENTY. Mr Arugula is divisive and insulting. He never had any intention of uniting. He wants to crash it all and remake America in his vision of utopia. Egotists always destroy something that they do not have enough talent and intelligence to create. His ego has no basis in fact.