In fact, given that this has the traditional full weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) factored in and Obama is STILL below 50% despite the best efforts of the media, makes this very encouraging!
The one area where I’m particularly encouraged is support for each candidate. If 89% of Ds support O, and 85% or Rs support R, then there’s lots of room for improvement for Romney. He just has to seal the deal in the debates, and HIT HARDER!.
Obama has a one- or two-point lead in each of the Key Three States in this years election, Ohio, Florida and Virginia. The president is also up by three in Wisconsin, up two in Nevada and has a huge lead in Pennsylvania. Romney is now up two in Colorado and ahead by three in Iowa and New Hampshire. All these states with the exception of Pennsylvania remain Toss-Ups in the Rasmussen Reports Electoral College Projections.
Not too bad overall. Also this, 43% certain to vote Romney and 41% certain to vote obama. 3% likely to vote romney but may change mind and 6% likely to vote obama but may change mind.
I am convinced it is not worth it, I am staying home in Nov
Romney’s campaign had better get its head out of its ass
60% of the people want Obamacare REPEALED
I have not even heard it mentioned for weeks...
...torches and pitchforks to DC if they do not repeal this
Obama’s Presidential Approval Index rating is slipping again, which is good news at this point in the campaign.
obama’s at 47%.
Why does that ring a bell? has Romney up 7.8%
It’s the debates, stupid.
Hussein better take some anger management classes. He hates to be challenged with simple facts, and it shows in a very large way on that kisser of his. Mitt hits him with a few early jabs and it’s sayonara Zer0.