Anything that associates Jimmy Carter with Obama is pure win in my book!
It’s months old and hardly damning.
Darning maybe with a stretch but not 'damning'.
“Damning” video???
If anything I am more enthusiastic
It’s good to know he thinks like I do.
James Carter
Oppo researcher; political junkie; news sponge; policy wonk. Currently looking for work... Seriously, give me a project.
Atlanta, GA ·
If paying taxes is as “patriotic” as the Democrats claim it is, why do they want 47% exempted from it?
Heard a black caller on the radio today saying that she doesn’t plan to vote for Barack this time (and claims to have voted for McCain in 08) but that she doesn’t have qualifying income to pay federal taxes. She says she’s retired.
Why is it okay for her walk the line around “income” taxes ut it is wrong for the bulk of Romney’s annual money to come from investments rather than “income”?
Somebody said “macaca” again apparently.
The video isn’t damning.
Still waiting for ABC News to finally air the video they have (it is ABC, right) of Barack Obama at the dinner honoring an Islamist terrorist.
They didn’t air it in 2008, there is still time in 2012.
What are y’all hiding it for?
Darning maybe with a stretch but not 'damning'.
Still waiting for ABC News to finally air the video they have (it is ABC, right) of Barack Obama at the dinner honoring an Islamist terrorist.
They didn’t air it in 2008, there is still time in 2012.
What are y’all hiding it for?
Funny how someone cuts out the official PC-BS and it’s “damning”. This just shows that the Liberals really actually believe the BS that they keep telling each other. The rest of us know better.
Let’s put a fatwa on the little dickhead. Two can play at that jihad game.
This just goes to PROVE that Conservative celebrate July 4th and Liberals celebrate April 15th.
how bout Romney just toss entire video out there..the video FOX is playing on Obama ..shows he is promising tax dollar bribes for votes. thats a lot worse than writing off votes although I dont think Romney should write off votes..its no nearly as damning as what Obama did and still does.
Carter Family
The Shahbanou of Iran (left) holds James Earl Carter IV, the grandson of U.S. president Jimmy Carter, during a visit to the White House in 1978. Beside her, from left, are First Lady Rosalynn Carter and the baby's parents, Caron and Chip Carter.
Is anything secret now adays especially when running for President? Romney should either not think things are secret or say them in public. Free Republic was having a field day with Kate Middleton because she was on vacation with her husband and went topless....they said that she should have known better than do this as a public figure. Romney should learn that lesson as well. Lucky for us, he didn’t say anything stupid.
THANK YOU David Corn!
You brought out the Warrior in Romney that we could not. Thanks again!
The 47 % of Voters who pay NO Personal Federal Income Tax have been put on notice that the Free Stuff, no pay zone will get smaller with Romney.