Obama: Vote for me because there are still some of you who think you have have to work for a living
Yeah, the base loved it.
But the middle is turned off.
Clint Eastwood spoke for the middle.
Obama is holding a 2 and a 5.
The convention hall was filled with leftist lemmings who are willing to go charging off of the cliff with their Beloved Leader.
The brain trust, however, will bail out. Liberalism will have to be salvaged to these select few and that means throwing Obama under the bus if he is in jeopardy of losing to Romney.
Barack Obama is not backing down. He is not moving to the center. He is not going to reach across the aisle. He is not going to try to unite the country.
This convention was on fire because the Democratic base knows: One way or another, he’s all in.( yep)
Hes bent on destroying the neo colonial culture of the United States and its capitalist economy. He certainly is ALL IN.
And we will but him ALL OUT!