Yes but to give up on Michigan when it has the most Conservative House, Senate and Judicary in years? Even if the Governor is a soft “R”, he still brings a lot to the table...
I think MI will be in the R/R camp — OH too.
PA does this little tease every year... enough already. If their voter ID law proves out, so be it, but otherwise it’s wasting resources.
This all from my HOP (Humble Opinion Processor).
Most of the “no” votes against God yesterday came from the Michigan delegation...with signs reading “American Arab.” Between the Muslims in Dearborn and the Blacks in Detroit it could be a hopeless cause.
alternatively, Michigan is won
Remember when Palin begged McCain and Schmidt to let her go to Michigan and they said no way? This is the same kind of defeatism that infected the GOP back in 2008.
I agree. Synder has done more good in two years than the dems did in 8.