I’m in PA and I am scared to death to open my electric bills every month. My electricity has tripled in the past two years. It’s insane.
You can thank Obamna who pledged that your rates would necessarily skyrocket under his plan. Also thanks to Eigenkeit above and others in Europe who have convinced Obama and the elites that we must suffer and pay more to allegedly save the world from thermageddon.
yea electric bill approaching $400 a month...who says Zero doesn’t keep his promises?
And PA will send 20 electoral votes to Obama(?)
Im in PA and I am scared to death to open my electric bills every month. My electricity has tripled in the past two years. Its insane.
And yet, this morning i heard on radio news that no more campaign ads will be on the air here in PA...because we are NOT a battleground state...that PA is “safely” in the Obama column.
My electric bill was over $400 last month. And Allegheny Power is now doing what I call “psyops” sending these “how YOUR energy use rates” against my “neighbors.” of course, they claim is use more—but when talking with said neighbors (and we have !!) they use more too. Hmmmm....again...psyops.