Will it matter if (when) it is found that Joe Paterno didn’t know there was a monster in his midst; that he was fired without cause, and that the students had a right to be angry? When the Freeh report is exposed for its unsubstantiated conclusions? When McQueary admits that he didn’t tell Joe exactly what he said he did?
Will it matter to the dead coach whose legacy is in shambles?
Will it matter to this kid?
Will it matter if (when) it is found that Joe Paterno didnt know there was a monster in his midst...
...come now...Joe chose not to know...
that he was fired without cause, and that the students had a right to be angry?
...perhaps he shouldn’t have been fired...room for a lot of opinions...but student’s having a right to be angry? They’re on campus to get an education, not get angry and act like idiots...
When the Freeh report is exposed for its unsubstantiated conclusions?
...you were an author of the report? You know that the conclusions are unsubstantiated? Or do you just want them to be?
When McQueary admits that he didnt tell Joe exactly what he said he did?
...Joe acknowledged that what Mike told him was a man that Joe himself was responsible for being on campus in the first place, was with a boy in a shower, doing something of a sexual nature...you think Joe needed a videotape or something to show the slightest bit of interest in something that sinister?