Who do you want to unite with? Liberals? No thanks.
1. Can the country stand another four years of these clowns?
2. Who will you vote for?
Answer them in all sincerity and then decide whether you want to sit this one out and take cheap shots from the sidelines or do what Freepers do best and motivate others who don't have even 10% of the knowledge we do.
Then you will be lonely and powerless. To win elections, candidates need to appeal to a large segment of voters. Otherwise one loses the election and then has no power to change anything. One becomes irrelevant and is soon forgotten on the ash heap of has beens.
Examples: Sharon Angle, Joe Miller in AK, Hoffman in NY-23,
Sharron Angle in NV, Christine O’Donell in DE, Buck in CO,
JD Hayworth in AZ.
If you want to follow the crowd above, my sympathies to you.