More entertainingly, I like how Facebook copyrighted a private picture. Unless there’s a new feature of Timeline I missed?
For your information and as a warning: EVERYTHING you post on Facebook becomes their property the moment you post it. It is in the "agreement" fine print! Every picture you post becomes THEIR PROPERTY to do with as THEY wish. The moment you checked the "I accept" the conditions of use box, you signed your Facebook life away and gave them your permission to own EVERYTHING you post. It therefore comes as no surprise that Facebook recently spent millions of dollars to purchase the second best facial recognition software company on the planet (I believe it is an Israeli company so that will give you an idea of how good it is). They can now take all of those wonderful pictures you have posted of yourself, your family, your friends, your "network" and plug all that information in so that they can sell THEIR ABILITY to identify and track you, your family, your friends, your network to whoever wants to pay them to find you. ...isn't Facebook wonderful? NOT!
Facebook is not your friend.