Anybody that says they won’t vote for this ticket is not Conservative. What Conservatives know is this: The #1 issue facing this country is the debt and expansion of government, if left unchecked the debt will destroy the U.S. currency and subsequently destroy the entire standard of living in the USA. Paul Ryan is the only Republican that has tried to do anything about curbing government expansion and the national debt. Again if you do not vote for this ticket you will enable Obama to claim mandate for marxist socialism and if you do that you have effectively destroyed this country so you are no conservative nor are you a patriot you might as well claim your liberalism, progressivism, communism because that is what you are and if there are enough of you than yes this is the end of America, God save our children.
I've very reluctantly - and tentatively - decided to take a carton of clothepins with me to the polling place and pull the lever for The-RINO-Whose-Name-I-Will-Not-Speak. Even still, the statement above is utter nonsense.
The GOP candidate is a leftist. He isn't as much of a leftist as Obama, but he is a leftist. There's a very strong case to be made that electing him could destroy the conservative movement permanently. He won't govern as a conservative. You know that. I know that. He'll govern as a Gerald Ford or a Bush. And he'll almost certainly fail. And "conservatism" will be blamed for the failure.
I loathe him. But I'll vote for him becuase I'm convinced that he MIGHT make marginally better Supreme Court appointments - though his record in Massachussetts makes that more of an exercise in faith than anything. And I may well be wrong.
It might well be that it would be better in the long run to let Filth get reelected and have the whole thing come crashing down on the Dems and the left. To me it's a 51/49 proposition.
So I'll vote for WhatsHisName. But a conservative could very easily and justifiably skip the President and vote downticket only, or vote 3rd party.