1 posted on
08/10/2012 5:30:57 PM PDT by
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To: SFmom
All I have to say is at least Paul is eligible.
131 posted on
08/10/2012 8:15:54 PM PDT by
To: SFmom
I think I just had a tingle down my leg??
Pray for America
135 posted on
08/10/2012 8:33:31 PM PDT by
(If you vote for a Communist, what's that make you?)
To: SFmom
Sounds like a great pick (and he’s CONSTITUTIONALLY ELIGIBLE). Hope the rumor is true!
To: SFmom
Who are your sources? Do we have the ID number of the plane, and can we track it?
Four years ago, some very alert FReeper noted the tail number of a private plane flying from Alaska to Dayton, OH in the middle of the night - several of us tracked that plane. Well before the plane landed, many of us strongly suspected Gov. Sarah Palin would be McCain's VP pick...
141 posted on
08/10/2012 9:29:37 PM PDT by
(I'm with Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz: Anybody But Obama 2012)
To: SFmom
Congratulations on your sources.
152 posted on
08/10/2012 9:57:46 PM PDT by
(...please make it stop. Shake a can of pennies at it.)
To: SFmom
From Catholic Vote today:
Paul Ryan, Representative from Wisconsin's 1st District
Co-sponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.
Voted to amend the health care law so that no federal funds may be used to pay for any part of any healthcare plan that offers abortion coverage.
Voted for the Abortion Pain Bill and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act.
Voted to prohibit partial birth abortion.
Voted for a resolution proposing a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as the union between one man and one woman.
Voted against repealing Dont Ask Dont Tell.
Religious liberty
Voted for the Religious Liberty Protection Act of 1999.
On the HHS mandate: This is much, much bigger than about contraception. This is about religious freedom, First Amendment rights, and how this progressive philosophy of fungible rights of a living breathing constitution really clashes and collides with these core rights that we built our society and country around.
Embryonic life
Voted against the Stem Cell Research Act of 2007, which would have required the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct and support research on embryonic stem cells.
Voted in favor of developing methods to produce stem cells without using human embryos.
School choice
Voted in favor for school vouchers in Washington, D.C.
154 posted on
08/10/2012 10:03:47 PM PDT by
("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
To: SFmom; All
Just heard on Fox News they ARE confirming that it is Ryan - Romney will make the official announcement tomorrow morning, 9:00 AM ET....
And there are headlines on Drudge, and a poll question:
158 posted on
08/10/2012 11:43:27 PM PDT by
(Pro-life, accountant, gun-totin' grandma - multi issue voter)
To: SFmom
Nice job and thanks for posting it here at FR, BEFORE anyone else had it :)
161 posted on
08/11/2012 2:08:49 AM PDT by
SE Mom
(Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
To: SFmom
I saw this last night during Mark Levin Show. You called it! Nice job!!
163 posted on
08/11/2012 3:22:02 AM PDT by
Carriage Hill
(Harry Reid [PERVERT-NV] has Vickie-the-goat in lingerie and stiletto heels, tied-up in his office.)
To: SFmom
165 posted on
08/11/2012 4:16:09 AM PDT by
Utah Binger
(Southern Utah where the world comes to see America)
To: SFmom
Heard through my sources: Romney's plane supposedly en route to pick up Paul Ryan....he's the veep choice.Congrats.... some of US did read it here first!!!
168 posted on
08/11/2012 6:07:53 AM PDT by
Just mythoughts
(Luke 17:32 Remember Lot's wife.)
To: SFmom
SFmom, my congratulations on your prognostication, good job!
169 posted on
08/11/2012 7:15:29 AM PDT by
(Where liberty dwells, there is my country.)
To: SFmom
You obviously have GREAT sources, I am very impressed. It reminds me of 2008 when FReepers were ahead of the curve regarding Sarah Palin. One of the reasons that Free Republic is such a great site. Smart and connected people. Congrats!
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