Conservatives should be happy if its Rubio, Jindal or Ryan. especially since less conservative choices were bandied about (like Portman).
If its Ryan, the Obama mediscare campaign will being in 5 ... 4... 3...
It’s a decoy move to prepare for Mitt Romney’s announcement that Allen West is Mitt’s official VP choice.
Okay by me. Ryan is off the charts brilliant and he’s an economy wonk. Hair vs. Plugs - which would you choose?
At this point I do not think the VP pick will mean much at all.
This election is strictly Obumbo and the Communist, Yes or No.
At this point it seems to be heading to 50/50.
I watch Rasmussen every day and shake my head, wondering why
Obozo has not seen a steady down-slide from day one.
I thank God every day that I was able to leave a country that has fifty percent absolute IDIOTS.
I’ve been following this and there is one major problem. Ryan is in Colorado. The plane (a charter flight so we really don’t know who it is) is in Ryan’s home town of Janesville.
This all started because someone was tracking charter flights out of Boston and thought it was unusual that one went to Janesville.
I actually think they are playing games with the media.
10 Reasons Paul Ryan Should Be Mitt Romney’s Choice....
Just a charter flight. We don’t know who hired or who it is picking up.
Lot of assumptions have been made.
Ryan’s chances exploded on InTrade over the past 24 hrs., so clearly a Romney insider is trying to make some bucks on the side
OK, just checked flights from Boston to Janesville and none are listed.
I think someone is playing games.
Ryan would be a good choice. We have many conservative House members, so losing one of the many will not hurt
Ryan is a much better choice than the others mentioned. Please, folks, Marco Rubio is not a conservative....yikes
SF Mom, could you elaborate on your sources? would be my pick:o)
I hope not. I would be disappointed but I expect to be disappointed based on the list of names still in the mix. It’s almost embarrassing.
Taking about Romney’s VP pick on John Batchelor Live...
If that airplane is a C-5 Galaxy cargo plane, the VP choice is Chris Christie.
That’s the only aircraft large enough to haul him.
Distracting the enemy. (Just as I suggested to the campaign.)