Wow, I knew education was in decline in America, but I had no clue it was THIS bad...
yes, it’s that bad, because these “friends” are imbeciles for even asking an idiotic question like that.
If fags can have kids, then that’s the time I sh*t dollar bills out of my ass.
Yes-—and how EVIL—to destroy the chance for a child to be raised by his mother.
Think about it. With me—I couldn’t image my life without my father AND my mother. They gave me meaning (and unconditional love—both maternal and paternal—both necessary to be able to emotionally connect and be successful in all types of natural relationships as an adult.
With biology you get a connection to the past and future-—when I married and had children. It is the Law of Nature-and makes life meaningful-as God Designed—the teleological end creates the most happiness for both the natures of women and men—long term happiness. Any other hedonist acts—usually destroy long term happiness.
Biology gives those children a rich history where they can truly understand themselves in ways which not knowing their biological family prevents. Sperm donor children when grown—most were desperate to find their “biological” father. It is an innate desire—to know your genetic history.
Marx wanted to destroy all biological attachments— so loyalty never goes to your relatives-—it goes to the State. Biology—esp. the mother/child bond is extremely strong and families are the most likely to have support of each other to oppose the state. Artificial family units—not with a man and woman—will pervert the reality of any child—being sexist—where their world is warped so they will not be able to function in a more normal way with all human beings. Especially intimacy will be perverted. It can not be normal—because they don’t have “normal” modeled at the crucial formative years.
The agitprop to get mothers to desert and kill their own offspring has been ongoing for decades—the BF Skinner conditioning through textbooks and TV, since the Feminist movement. It is conditioning so women will be okay with giving their children away to the State. Abortion/daycare destroys maternal instincts and that connection needed for bonding and Trust.
Normalization of anything—is easy if you get the children while young. It creates the Worldview-—like the world when slavery and pederasty and homosexuality were “normal”. It took generations of education and Christian Ethics to rid the world of that slavery and pederasty and homosexuality—the ideas that they are”Good” and “NORMAL”.
Now, with technology (TV and the centralized school system)-—they are able to “Normalize” anything in one generation. Even in less time, since they are destroying the minds of children through cognitive dissonance in the schools and with drugs and sex ed.