My coworkers were unable to buy their planned lunch at 11:45, because the streets were backed up over two blocks, police were directing traffic, and a news crew was on site.
They said they would try for dinner. I think the store will have run out of food by then....
Oceanside, CA, Marron at College just south of Hwy 78.
Arrived 10:15 AM with she who must be obeyed. Can’t remember her ever in a fast-food place. Maybe drive by to bring something home for me.
Lot’s of folks from Cavalry Chapel, her church. The minister mentioned the day and said he was a friend of someone in the owner/family.
Only 1 cashier and he said he didn’t know about the day. Huh?
Line starts out the door about 10:30. About 20 cars in the drive thru.
I’ve been there at 10 AM and can usually drive right up to the service window and order there. So it’s a big difference.
People polite and courteous.
Servers as usually nice and polite. Helpful.
We left about 11:10. 35 or so cars in the drive thru going into the larger parking lot.
About 25 people lined up outside the door.
Friend called at 2 PM. cars backed up for two blocks to bottom of freeway offramp. Took him 45 minutes to get into the CFA parking lot drive thru lane
Big day for Oside.
I’ll go back Friday and bring home a bunch.
I passed two in High Point, NC that were jammed, thought I’d swing by another on S. Main in Kernersville instead but it was jammed worse, during my hour commute home. I left the office at five. A lot of evening spillover from people who just couldn’t do it during lunch while at work, apparently.