One thing I notice about female comedians: it's rare to find one who does self-deprecation. They generally prefer to make fun of others.
I agree. And both sexes have taken the “comedy” routines to a place I can’t watch any longer. It’s pure filth. A few weeks back I turned on the tube, and caught a comedy routine that was clean and clever. It was the first one I’d seen in years.
Around 1997, my wife and I (we were dating at the time) went to a comedy club in Hollywood. The first five comedians were amazingly funny. And then a Black guy came on and fixated on a beautiful White blond. This guy proceeded to attack her for over a half hour. It was one of the most disgusting displays we’ve ever seen. It’s was vulgar, personal, and sexual. Honestly, the guy deserved to be beaten to a pulp.
We left shortly thereafter, and by that time he had moved on to any White. The room had gone total Black if you catch my drift, and the mood was such that both my wife and I were somewhat fearful if we’d make it to the car and then home.
That was our last comedy club outing.