I guarantee you, my 700 lumens searing your brain is going to stop you for a few seconds.
It hurts and will blind you.
I’m no badass but I would like to think I would have blinded this jackwagon long enough for me or someone to put the hurt on him.
Everyone, the flashlight below cost me all of $30 with the batteries.
I bought three. Two for me and one for my brother, who bought 5 or 6 more.
We’ve dropped em, place them in water and they work great.
You will not find a better value for your money than these light sabers.
This is the one I carry.
It claims 900 lumen but I compare to my Fenix TK35 and its not quite as bright as the Fenix.
I recommend testing a 100, 200, and/or 700 lumen on yourself (not just you, all Freepers), both in the daylight and at night. At night, the 100 was a bit disturbing for several minutes - a long time in a stressful situation. The 700? I couldn't focus straight ahead for perhaps 20 minutes (not sure because I couldn't see my watch or clocks), and couldn't read until the next day. I carry a 700 at all times. It won't harm anyone permanently, but it will make a bad person a whole lot less of a threat, and the gutless liberals have not yet done anything to interfere with our right to keep and bear flashlights.