I recommend testing a 100, 200, and/or 700 lumen on yourself (not just you, all Freepers), both in the daylight and at night. At night, the 100 was a bit disturbing for several minutes - a long time in a stressful situation. The 700? I couldn't focus straight ahead for perhaps 20 minutes (not sure because I couldn't see my watch or clocks), and couldn't read until the next day. I carry a 700 at all times. It won't harm anyone permanently, but it will make a bad person a whole lot less of a threat, and the gutless liberals have not yet done anything to interfere with our right to keep and bear flashlights.
Well, my brother and I shut off the lights in the shop and from 50 feet away gave each other a healthy dose of blindness.
It definitely took a few minutes before either of us could move and we didn’t shine the lights all that long.
I think it was more of a swipe of the light across our faces.
I felt my way back to the front of the shop and held on to the work benches so I wouldn’t take a dangerous step.
My brother did the same thing and the book keeper said she helped him back into the office.
By the time I made it to the front he was sitting in a chair squinting and sat in the recliner.
We were laughing for doing something so dumb but giddy as if we had discovered fire and weren’t going to tell anyone about it.
We are looking at the 6000 lumen light from the same manufacturer but hell, I don’t know where’d I’d use it.
This light is plenty....for now.