Karl Rove is hard to listen to. They act like being a Capitalist is a crime and needs to be defended. If they had any stones they would say Bain was a great company that reorganized some companies that became stronger and using overseas labor is common in a world economy.
Why does our side run away from every charge like we have to convince the Dems to vote for us and ignore the Conservatives?
when this comes up all they need to say,”Well, guess we aren’t asking why GE outsources, even after getting taxpayor money? Are you saying Jeff Immelt should be questioned too?”
Amen, again, bray.
Man up about Bain. Brag about it. Capitalism made our country great and we need to go back to a business-friendly country.
A corporation is not some amorphous mass, some creature resembling a giant monster from the deep.
A corporation is a business that has grown and incorporated. It employs millions of people (or thousands). It pays them wages and provides health care.
It makes money for its investors, which might be us if we have 401K’s or pension plans.