Thanks RG.
Brit Hume is acting like these phony polls are Gospel when every one has been proved completely wrong in election after election. When are they going to start dismissing them for what they are?
Great catch bray.Sad but true about polling.
They don’t straighten out until 72 hours before the election. Then those polling organizations who don’t want to be remembered as ozero shills start mysteriously getting it right. I think Rasmussen my be correct, not really sure.
My thoughts exactly. The polls are frequently “sample weighted” with more RATs being interviewed than anything else.
Maybe I’m just being a grump this morning, but Britt is annoying the heck out of me today ... attitude, interrupting, doesn’t seem prepared, mumbling & stumbling through his questions. Wallace has his issues, but at least he can enunciate.
Loved your ‘braying’ piece this morning. :-)