I never said I’m in agreement with it. It’s reality. I can not agree or like that Duke won the NCAA championship a few years ago, but reality is that they did and I have to accept that.
I did not want Romney. I don’t agree with him running as our candidate. But it is reality. He is the candidate opposite the biggest destroyer of our country. A President who ignores the law. If we even elect conservative representatives in Congress (which I plan to) Obama will bypass them.
That is why he needs to leave. That is how I am standing up and defending instead of laying down and accepting one of the greatest evils our country has ever faced. The reality is, is that that is exactly what you are doing by not accepting our circumstances. We didn’t want this to come, but it has. We must fight to return to our great country. Allowing this imposter in charge of our country will only make the fight harder.
We have a chance to slow down this swing towards socialism. Not stop it, but slow it down. Give us some breathing room. This current President is causing such destruction to our country and with a second term, with no relection bid hanging over his head, he will get more bold, more brash, and more dangerous. That can not happen.
I am in agreement with you. Romney was not my first, second or third choice. But much to my distaste, there are two reasons that decide the issue: 0bamatax and the deficits. It is highly unlikely we will get a veto-proof Congress if 0bama is rr-elected. Once 0bamacare is entrenched in our society by 2017, it will be like social security. It will never be rooted out. As Mark steyn said, 0bamacare is THE game-changer; with it there is no pretense about being a socialist country. The game is over. Romney will sign a repeal. 0bama never will.
The other issue is the deficit. I don’t expect Romney to roll back the size of the government anywhere near what I would like. But I believe he has enough real business acumen to know that the current annual trillion dollar deficits are killing us. He will reduce them to sustainable levels. 0bama will never do that.
There is very little else to like about Romney. With Romney we won’t get what we like. But if the two issues stated above don’t get addressed, nothing else matters because there will be no America left to save.
I guess all I can do is leave you with this: