Posted on 07/05/2012 7:14:59 PM PDT by Salvation
Wait a minute. Is this a deal where you cannot criticize a Roman Catholic? I couldn’t care less what his religion is.
His fellow Catholics on the bench said he’s nuts. And they are right.
Yes, we should encourage the judiciary to originate tax bills in Judge Roberts’ office. It’s none of the Houses business!.
It wouldn’t surprise me. But even if that were the case, you still have to do the right thing.
Bravery still counts.
I wonder which of these two monsters did more damage to America...
Yah, or he would have been one who, back in 1776 at the Continental Congress who would have been trying to convince everyone to pay King Georges taxes to keep peace with england... to the author I say, “I spit in your eye Ken, you cheap bastard”.
I don’t know who this author is, but he’s full of it.
I am a practicing Catholic. John Roberts is a practicing judicial activist bordering on megalomania.
This thread gives some hints about why he may have changed his mind. In a word, blackmail about homocrap.
When there is a Democratic Death Panel reading your FR posts just prior to making a critical decision about your life and execution, you will know the answer to that question.
It is we, the people, after all, who are empowered by our constitution to self-govern.
I will say again, the Bishops did not lift a finger to remind us of that tremendous, God-given and hard-won responsibility. Because they were too busy believing Obama when he told them what they so wanted to hear, because as Archbishop Timothy Dolan has said repeatedly, "the Church has been advocating for universal healthcare for nearly 100 years."
Careful what you wish for, excellency. And what you're willing to believe. And whose futures you'll trade in to get it.
No, it is the role of the Court to protect the Constitution that Roberts so brutally betrayed. Roberts has destroyed the Constitution by effectively removing any limit to federal power, and pieces like this article are trying to spin it as if the court is doing us a favor by allowing the federal government to unconstitutionally grab more power.
It is not the job of the court to protect citizens from their own political choices, UNLESS those choices are unconstitutional. Obamacare WAS and IS unconstitutional and the justices that voted for it should be investigated and removed by Congress for abuse of power (and in the case of Kagan, corruption/ethical breaches for not recusing herself, even though she was involved in the government's defense of the law).
Yep, it's pretty difficult to get a hold of Roberts to be able to land a figurative blow.
and NO
I think the reputation of the Court is worse than it was before his reckless decision. Gay bath house photos?.. Ohhhh, never mind.
I’m with you, but Roberts seems to like the cocktail parties.
Mandatory Internet ID will make that so much easier, won’t it.. That’s coming too.
A specious argument that ignores the 2010 Congressional elections.
Sending that POS bill (that didn't have a severability clause/provision) back to Congress would have killed it as the US voting population desired in effecting the 2011 change in the House.
Government cannot take away true freedom, Archbishop Chaput teaches
Repair my house: renewing the roots of religious liberty
Bishops Take on Soros
USCCB responds to group funded by George Soros which issued talking points ...
"Open Letter on Religious Freedom" (Religious leaders protest HHS mandate)
Michele Bachmann: Washington is taking notice of HHS mandate backlash (exclusive) Religious Freedom Reaffirmed; US Bishops Unanimous
Catholic Health Association reverses course on mandate accommodation
Catholic Bishops Gather With Focus on Obama Birth-Control Measure
Bishops, That is a Pretty Nice Tax Exemption You Have There. Wouldnt Want Anything Bad ...
Florida Bishop Leads Opposition to Obamacare Mandate
Pelosi: Catholic Archdioceses Were Not Speaking for Catholic Church When They Sued Administration
The HHS Mandate and Wily Providence
Religious liberty group launches massive HHS mandate site
NY Times Scolds Catholics, Calls HHS Mandate Lawsuits a Stunt
NY Times Editorial: Catholic Lawsuits Just "a Dramatic Stunt"
Archbishop: Networks 'missed the boat' on coverage of church's ObamaCare lawsuits
Religious freedom vs. Obamacare
U.S. Bishops Prepare Catholics for Civil Disobedience: We May Need to Witness to the Truth by...
On the Mandate, a Dangerous Crack in the Bishops' United Front
Surprise! MSM Ignoring Catholic Lawsuits against Government
Protecting Our Catholic Conscience in The Public Square
Notre Dame: Good News and Bad News
Legatus Files Federal Lawsuit Challenging the HHS Mandate
Boston Archdiocese Bails on Religious Freedom Lawsuit
Evangelicals respond to Catholic lawsuits: We are all Catholic now
Solidarity requires individual involvement, not state programs, Pope says
Catholic Caucus: 43 Catholic organizations [Notre Dame+] sue Obama over HHS
Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Wuerl, Notre Dame, 40+ Catholic Organizations--Sue Obama
Profs at Jesuit universities lash out at bishops for opposing HHS mandate, gay marriage
The Declaration of Religious Independence
Catholic Bishops Call For Two Weeks of Action Against Obama
Oakland Bishop: Abortion Next Mandated Health Benefit?
Catholic Bishops Call For Two Weeks of Action Against Obama
Catholic Bishops Call For Two Weeks of Action Against Obama
Protest by Catholic activists may hamper Obama reelection bid (Organize! Mobilize! Go!)
Protest by Catholic activists may hamper Obama reelection bid
Catholic Bishops Take on Obama
[Connecticut] Bishops: Don't Make Catholic Hospitals Perform Abortions
Obama taking similar path as Hitler and Stalin: Illinois Bishop Daniel Jenky
Obama taking similar path as Hitler and Stalin: Illinois bishop Jenky
Bishop Calls for Heroic Catholicism, Rips Obamas Radical Pro-Abortion Agenda
Bishops tell Catholics to disobey 'unjust laws
Bishops warned: Obama will seize assets, only proper response is "Courageous Defiance"
The Profound, Unapologetic and Timely Reflections of Archbishop Chaput [Catholics in Public Life]
Vatican Cardinal: If Catholic employers provide contraceptive coverage they cooperate in sin
Catholics Urged to Imitate St. Thomas More in Contraception Battle
Cardinal Dolan criticizes Obama contraception policy as radical intrusion' (still)
Calling for Calm (Spokane's bishop wants to talk hot topics,...)
Gvmt minister (Canada) rebukes bishops on Catholic sexual teaching: Youre not allowed to do that anymore!
Pres. Obama invokes social Darwinism. Mr. President, look in the mirror.
WaPo Blog Says Jesus Would Support Obamacare
We Will NOT Render Unto Caesar What Belongs to God! [Archbishop Robert Carlson]
Dolan describes Obamas about-face on contraception mandate>
(NY Cardinal) Dolan: We Cant Back Down (Appears on the O'Reilly Factor)
Obamacare Mandate in Deep Trouble
ACTION ITEM ALERT! Pres. Obama, through a minion, attacks Catholic chaplains once again
Contraception mandate violates federal law, say legal experts
Virginia AG: If Obama's Mandate Stands, the Gov't Can Order You To Do Anything
What the media doesnt want you to know: Americans hate the HHS mandate
As Health Care Laws Trial Approaches, Two-Thirds Say Ditch Individual Mandate
Catholic Bishops Declare Obama's 'Unjust and Illegal Mandate' 'A Violation of Personal Civil Rights'
Health-Care Challenge Evokes Roosevelt New Deal High Court Clash
First Secular Business Sues Over HHS Mandate
Evangelical leaders urged to mobilize against administration contraception policy
Obama Admin Widens Abortifacient Birth Control Mandate to College Students
Do They Know Who Theyre Messing With? (Obama Administration vs. the Catholic Church?)
Religious Freedom and Protecting Healthcare for Women and Children
U.S. Catholic bishops pressured Komen breast cancer charity over Planned Parenthood
New York Times accused of Catholic bashing, double standard on religion
Liberal Catholics Spooked by United Bishops for Religious Freedom
US Bishops Dig-in on Threats Against Religious Liberty: USCCB Statement on HHS Mandate
US Bishops Decry Illegal and Unjust HHS Mandate, Call for Prayer and Penance
President Obama Perplexed by 'War on Religion' Charges
No Compromise
Bishops Consider Broader Focus in Birth-Control Fight
Bishop [Lori] Hopes to Restart White House Contraception Talks
Obama Admin Finalizes Rules: $1 Abortions in ObamaCare
Obama's HHS mandate will destroy the Little Sisters of the Poor's ministry to the elderly
Amish, Ok. Catholics, No. (HHS Mandate)
Gloria Purvis: Opposing the Contraception Mandate
Ave Maria University Files Lawsuit Against Obama Administration
Obamas Contraception Spin Machine (Administration misreads the Catholic Church yet again)
Obama the Apostate (Reckoning with the Catholic Church)
Dolan: White House invoked support of enlightened Catholics in refusing to budge on mandate
Deadly health risks for women: The unspoken side of the Obama birth control mandate
HHS mandate threatens Little Sisters of the Poor elder care
The Noise-to-Signal Ratio at the USCCB
Catholic Missionary Suing Government Willing to Risk Health (Crohn's) Over HHS Mandate
Cardinal Dolan: White House Lectured My USCCB Staff On How to Interpret Catholic Teaching
Obama Admin lectures Card. Dolan and USCCB. Dolan responds. (Fr Z Fisking of Article)
HHS mandate could close 13 percent of the nations hospitals
Bishop Lori rips America editorial on HHS mandate Priest warns Obama: Better knock the Catholic Church out now - youve awakened the giant
Irony - Bar Boots Denver Bishop giving private talk on threats to religious liberty
Top U.S. Bishop to All Bishops: We Did Not Ask for This Fight, But We Will Not Run From It
Obama Risks $100 Billion If Catholic Hospitals Close
Catholic bishops exhort faithful to oppose Obamacare in a Sunday message
Congress Told HHS Mandate Fines Could Total $620,000
Cardinal Dolan blasts White House contraception plan as 'freedom of religion battle'
The Coming Persecution (a priest's projection on what is to come if Obama re-elected)
The HHS Mandate: Cardinal George and the Bishops Are Fighting the Last War (Excellent Analysis)
Cardinal Dolan indicates possible legal actions; rebuffs "cave-in" Catholics
From Cardinal Dolan: We Have to be Realistic and Prepare for Tough Times
Biden: We 'Screwed up' Contraception Mandate
Priest To Planned Parenthood: Here Comes The Catholic Church
The Catholic Diaspora and the Tragedy of Liberal Catholicism
A sermon explaining what Pres. Obama is doing.
Holder: 1st Amendment Allows Gov't to Force Catholics to Buy Sterilizat-Contracept-Abortn Insurance
Sebelius Excludes Bishops From Obamacare Mandate Compromise Talks
On "Things Not Subject to Human Government"
Church Could Be Forced To 'Give Up' Public Work, Cardinal George Warns
Cardinal George: No Catholic Hospitals in 2 Years Unless HHS Mandate is Rescinded
The Way Freedom of Religion Should Work
Religious Liberty Homily
Obama Faces More Lawsuits Over Pro-Abortion HHS Mandate
Pope Benedict Defends Religious Liberty
The Sisters and Universal Health Care: Forgetting What Religion Is
Time Magazine Op-Ed: Perhaps Some Time in Jail for Catholic Bishops Defending Religious Liberty
Baptist College Sues Over Contraceptive Mandate
Government Assault May Have Just Begun, Cardinal Dolan Warns
Responding to Your Questions for MORE! (Eblast from Grace Before Meals priest)
Seven states, Catholic plaintiffs file largest lawsuit against HHS mandate
Catholic CEO calls mandate compromise 'divide and conquer' strategy
Catholic Bishop's Prez: Our Rights Dont Depend on Obama
Obama's defense of religion {Mega BARF-Alert - talk about spin...}
Contraception and the Culture War [Deepening Catholic-Evangelical Relationship]
Cardinal Timothy Dolan issues strongest statement yet against the HHS mandate
Clergy Declare State of Emergency for Churches Over Obama Demands
Father, We're Ready for that Homily on Contraception Now
Contraception, Against Conscience [Why EWTN Will Not Comply With Obama's Mandate]
Bishops Decry Obama birth Control Plan, Yet Catholic Hospitals Report Sterilizations
The Catholic Betrayal of Religious Freedom
Obama Responds to Belmont Abbey Lawsuit. Epic Fail.
Catholic Charities Insists it has not Endorsed HHS Mandate
Chaput emerging as a warrior-bishop
Archbishop Chaput: Its not a compromise, and it needs to be rescinded
Pro-Abortion Fingerprints on HHS Mandate
Dem (Congressman) Scolds Bishop (at House Oversight hearin)
Evangelicals & Catholics Together: In Defense of Religious Freedom (vs. Islam, Secularism)
Catholic priest, pro-life activists arrested outside White House protesting Obama mandate
Obama Contradicted: HHS Banned Consideration of Cost Effectiveness in Developing Contraception
BREAKING: Every Single Bishop Has Condemned the Obama/HHS Mandate!
Pro-life nuns: Were not exempt - Obama mandate would force us to pay for abortion-inducing drugs
Contraception ruling: Democrats accuse clergy of complicity with GOP at hearing
Catholic League on Sebeliuss admission before a Senate committee
Voris: Obama Able to Neutralize Catholic Resistance Thanks to Bishops Past Complicity
Abortion, Contraception and the Church Fathers (Catholic teaching unchanged for 2000 yrs)
Head of U.S. bishops: Obama compromise on mandate a hill of beans; opposition intensifies
USCCB President: 'Harder and Harder' to Accept Obama's Word
White House Criticizes Bishops, Trumpets Support from CHA, Catholic Charities
Political Science 101: how the White House snookered the USCCB on the 'compromise'
What Did CHA's Carol Keehan Know and When Did She Know It?
Pope Shares Remarks on American Culture with Bishops; Issues Call to Laity By: Msgr. Charles Pope
USCCB President says Obama offered next to nothing; expresses disappointment with Sr. Keehan
Evangelical Leaders Call for Civil Disobedience Against U.S. Government
Liberal Jews Speak Against HHS Mandate
Top nun who supported Obama mandate thanks pro-choice group in private e-mail
Catholic Health Association collaboration with Obama admin on mandate a scandal: Catholic leader
Obama's revised HHS mandate won't solve problems, USCCB president says
Fr. Frank Pavone: No compromise - the mandate has to go, period
Time To Admit It: The Church Has Always Been Right On Birth Control
Culture with Local Bishops and Issues a Call to the Laity [Ecumenical]
Bishops Reject Obama's 'Accommodation' - President's political hemorrhaging to continue.
HHS Mandate - Nothing Has Changed (Donald Cardinal Weurl)
Obama Chief of Staff: New Pro-Abortion Mandate Here to Stay
WH: We Are Done Negotiating With Catholics
Opponents launch new White House petition rejecting Obama rewrite of birth control mandate
Did the Leaders of the Catholic Church Make a Deal with the Redistributionist Devil?
Archbishop Chaput: HHS mandate insulting and dangerous
Cardinal-Designate Dolan no longer trusts Obama
American Catholicisms Pact With the Devil
Notre Dame Faculty to Obama: This Is a Grave Violation of Religious Freedom and Cannot Stand
White House: No More Compromise on Contraception
Obama's anti-religious implosion
Lew: Obama's latest stance on birth-control mandate final, puts issue to rest (CAPTION)
Pat Buchanan: 'Obama is trampling on God's turf' (Video)
W.H. official: Contraceptive rule stands
Obama chief of staff: No more compromise, contraceptive rule is done deal
Bishops Reject White Houses New Plan on Contraception (Obama continues his "War On Religion")
Faith/Pro-Life Leaders to Challenge Mandate by Praying and Risking Arrest in Front of the WH
Catholic Bishops: Don't Revise, Rescind
Obama's contempt for the Constitution
How the Catholic Church Became Cool Overnight
Chuck Colson Reacts to Obamas Compromise on Required Abortion Care for Church Employees
US Bishops: Obama's 'Compromise' Has No Clear Protection...(Needless Government Intrusion)
Protests Continue Over Insurance for Contraception, Abortifacients (Feds Under Increasing Pressure
Bishops to Obama: No dice
Paul VI: danger of this power passing into the hands of those public authorities ...
Michael Moore Goes On Anti-Catholic Twitter Rant, Distorts Contraception Debate
Religious controversy burns Obama again (the rookie Hussein is in WAY over his pay grade)
Another Catholic college vows it will not violate conscience on Obama mandate
Lutherans join chorus of voices slamming HHS contraceptive mandate
The Obama HHS 'Compromise' Switches the Tiger for the Lion (Not all Catholics buying Obama's bull)
Hannity on now with Priests, Pastors and Rabbis. Please watch
EDITORIAL: Obamas free abortion pills
U.S. bishops express concerns about Obama mandate accommodation
What Compromise? This Policy Leaves Religious Liberty in Peril and Planned Parenthood Smiling (Albert Mohler Opinion)
Bishops Renew Call To Legislative Action On Religious Liberty
Southern Baptist leader: Obama gave Christians the dismissive back of his hand
Obama's Act of Tyranny
Bishops Were Prepared for Battle Over Birth Control Coverage
'Accounting gimmick' -- Obama compromise still threatens religious liberty, leaders say
Bishops concerned over reworded mandate; other Catholic leaders slam as insult to injury
Obama Bows to Pressure, but His Religious 'Accommodation' Even Worse
Don't Be Deceived! Evil Obama Policy Now Even MORE Evil!
Obamas Contraceptive 'Compromise' Doesn't Pass the Smell Test ("It doesn't change a thing")
Compromise or Accommodation, its still unacceptable. (updated from Catholic Vote)
Pres. Obamas Plan B compromise, Sr. Keehan, and the Magisterium of Nuns
Land Says Obama Mandate Most Anti-Catholic Government Action in 150 Years
Motive, Means and Opportunity: Obamas Assault on Catholics
(Exempt Catholics) Joe Biden, Bill Daley warned of contraceptive backlash
(Tim) Thomas makes second political statement (Stands With Catholics)
Southern Baptist leader: If Obama mandate isnt changed, Christians will go to jail
Over 150 congressional leaders demand repeal of HHS mandate
Boehner vows to overturn Obamas birth control coverage rule
Boehner: Congress to overturn birth control policy if Obama does not reverse course
O'Brien says Archdiocese of Baltimore won't offer birth control coverage
Archbishop of San Francisco says Obama ruling strikes at religious freedom
How Obama Lost the Catholic Vote
I am going to stick with fellow Catholics in Pres. Obamas war on Catholics. Wherein Fr. Z rants.
Unholy War
Six Things Everyone Should Know about the HHS Mandate
Santorum: Obama Hostile to Christians
Understanding Oppostion to the HHS Mandate (Part 1): Why the Church Wont Pay for Contracept
The Bishops Chickens Coming Home to Roost.
65 Orthodox Church bishops call on Obama to rescind the unjust contraception mandate
Doug Kmiec Writes Obama: 'Friendship Will Not Permit Me to Disregard Duty to Faith and Country'
Catholic Outcry Over Obama Administration's Birth Control Decision Could Factor In Presidential Race
Standing with the Bishops [Catholic Caucus]
Updated: *167* Bishops (More Than 90% of Dioceses) Have Spoken Out Against Obama/HHS Mandate
Military Tells Chaplains What They Can and Cant Say About HHS/ObamaAssault on Religion
Updated: *153* Bishops (Over 80% of Dioceses) Have Spoken Out Against Obama/HHS Mandate
href="">An Affront Catholics Agree On [Liberal and Conservative Catholics Against Obama Mandate]
Army Silenced Chaplains Last Sunday
Catholic Military Archdiocese & Chaplains interfered with last Sunday by Pres. Obamas Admin
The Anti-Catholic President v. the Catholic Bishops
Sen. Rubio introduces bill to reverse Obama birth control mandate
Churches balk at birth control rule - Catholics wont comply, Bishop Kevin Rhoades says
Protestants and Jews declare to White House: We stand with Catholics
Checking the Air Outside [Bp. Zubik's follow up to Obama's To Hell with You]
Mohler [Southern Baptist] Says Insurance Mandate Not Just 'Catholic' Issue
An Open Letter to President Barack Obama Concerning Recent Tyranny (With Pictures!)
Lincoln bishop: prepare for 'suffering' under HHS mandate
Bishop David Zubik confronts Obama
Obamas war on the church
Pope hits out at 'radical secularism'
We Will Not Comply: Catholic Leaders Distribute Letter Slamming Obama Admin Contraceptive Mandate
We Will Not Comply: Catholic Leaders Distribute Letter Slamming Obama Admin Contraceptive Mandate
Bruskewitz: Fight Insurance Ruling [Sebelius a "bitter, fallen away Catholic"]
Letter from Archbishop John G. Vlazny on the matter of freedom of conscience and decisions by HHS
Bishop Olmsted's Letter to Catholics [Catholic Caucus]
Liberty for the Amish & Quakers but not Catholics. . .
Contraception mandate prompts Peoria bishop to instate St. Michael Prayer (Catholic Caucus)
Phoenix bishop (Olmstead): defy feds on birth control
A letter from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr concerning HHS edict
Speak honestly: abortion is the killing of tiny human beings in the womb Denver bishop
Bishop [Daniel Jenky] Blasts Secularist Intolerance, Calls For Assertive Action to Defend Church
(Pittsburgh Bishop Zubik comments:) HHS delays rule on contraceptive coverage
Dolan: Natural law, not religious preference, dictates all life sacred
Religious leaders blast HHS over contraception mandate
Mandated Contraception, Sterilization: Caesar Demands Church Violate Conscience
OBAMAS CONTEMPT FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY (mandates coverage of sterilization & contraception)
Implications of Obama Admin move to force Cath hospitals to provide contraception and sterilizations
Catholic doctors group launches petition against contraception mandate
Contraception mandate tramples religious freedom, US bishops say
“Conservatives should take heart from Justice Roberts explication of Congress power under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.”
Wrong. This was a major defeat. Now all CONgress needs to do is call its nefarious plots a “tax” and that’s all she wrote. Soon, we can expect things like this:
Drive a hybrid or pay a tax.
Lose weight or pay a tax.
Install solar panels on your roof or pay a tax.
Attend “sensitivity training” or pay a tax.
Weatherize your home or pay a tax.
We could go on and on, one oppression after the next.
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