“In France, an anti-nuclear activist protested against the so-called dangers of nuclear power by tying himself to the train tracks to try to stop a train that was carrying nuclear waste. Apparently unaware of the fact that trains require great distances to stop, the protestor was promptly run over by the train and killed. Anyone who understood the laws of science, nature, and physics would not have made such a mistake. Also, what this means, as far as I am aware, is that in the country of France, more people have been killed by protesting against nuclear power (i.e., one), than have been killed by nuclear power itself (i.e., zero).”
We need more committed protesters, like this one.
10-4 maybe we can train (pun intended) the ocutards.
more people have been killed by protesting against nuclear power (i.e., one), than have been killed by nuclear power itself (i.e., zero).
nuff sed
Maybe at Hanford.
Stupid is as stupid does.