A committed Leftist? Really, I missed that memo. Never heard him stumping for any liberals. He conveyed American values.
Therefore, I consider you a cold-hearted prick.
Griffith did political ads for Obama in 2008.
Therefore, I consider you an ignorant prick.
” A committed Leftist? Really, I missed that memo. Never heard him stumping for any liberals. He conveyed American values.
Therefore, I consider you a cold-hearted prick.”
It is YOU who had better do some FReepsearch. Laz is 100% correct. Andy was a committed leftist, and wasn’t quiet about it either. I worked in the studios.
” A committed Leftist? Really, I missed that memo. Never heard him stumping for any liberals. He conveyed American values.
Therefore, I consider you a cold-hearted prick.”
It is YOU who had better do some FReepsearch. Laz is 100% correct. Andy was a committed leftist, and wasn’t quiet about it either. I worked in the studios.
“A committed Leftist? Really, I missed that memo. Never heard him stumping for any liberals. He conveyed American values.
Therefore, I consider you a cold-hearted prick.”
You could have at least perhaps read the thread or looked up the accusation before responding in such an intolerant manner.
Many if not most of Andy Griffith’s last appearances were ALL ABOUT selling HusseinCare to America.
“A committed Leftist? Really, I missed that memo. Never heard him stumping for any liberals. He conveyed American values.
Therefore, I consider you a cold-hearted prick.”
What a POS you are.
AG’s face was so far up Hussein’s o-hole, anyone awake had a hard time remembering what a nice laid-back sheriff he played on TV.
AND you’re stumping for leftist Hussein Head Condoleeza Rice?
In my book those two big strikes ae more than enough, and you’re done, POS.