That is ridiculous and makes you look stupid for saying it.
Being optimistic, I am beginning to think he was planting a poison pill by declaring it a tax, as many respected talking heads speculate. Brit Hume went so far as to assert he made nobamacare killable now by a simple majority under reconsiliation, which makes it damned important for us to go with Mitt and get both majorities in November.
If he changed his vote, it could have been to get the libs to give him their position on Commerce Clause (no longer could call it a mandate to buy and the unfettered ability of States to Opt Out, in trade for the poison pill word “TAX” in an election year.
Roberts is a Statist in favor of at least maintaining Federal Power over the States and the peasants.
You are on ignore.
I”m ridiculous LOL. You don't even understand that what this statist/marxist Roberts did.
Not only did Roberts turn the U.S. over into becoming mostly a socialist country by allowing the government to take over such a huge part of the economy but Roberts also destroyed a lot of our freedoms in America .
Even if Obamacare is repealed now Roberts the Marxist has given Congress and the liberals new powers and new ways to control everything we do. Just say it is a tax and they can force us to do anything. This communist moron POS destroyed the Constitution and freedom. there is no silver lining. This socialist POS , along with Obama needs to be impeached. This is obviously over your head and so you call me names . LOL