Headline just ain’t right.
Nope. It’s completely backwards. The boy was found dead. The man has been charged with assault, but not with his death (at least at this point in time...)
After reading the story I’m even more confused.
“Headline just aint right.”
Author: mhouseholder@ap.org
Picture of the composer of this headline: http://m4.licdn.com/media/p/2/000/0a3/339/027f0f2.jpg from his profile at http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikehouseholder
Headline just aint right
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The ‘IDIOTS’, (yes idiots, after all this is AP (used to mean something), and there must be editors, copy writers and at least one or two semi intellects in the ‘chain of custody’ regarding this story.
He has all the right words, amazing what a SIMPLE realignment and comma can provide:
“Mich. boy found dead, man charged with assault(ing)”
And THEY make the big bucks and (supposedly) influence people.
Yeah . . . was the Man charged with assaulting Mich.? or what?