The Supreme Court knows, the Dems know, we all know that the legislation was writtne to have an individual purchase mandate.
However you slice it, the court just changed that to something they could allow to go through.
Now, having siad that, and thinking about it more...Roberts just provided two things for this election:
1) The base and Tea PArty are going to get energized like never before as opposed to the left getting energized. They think they’ve won, and we know now for sure this thing has to go down through the election.
2) Romney can and must IMMEIDATELY begin using a talking point that not only do we have this horrible health care law that everyone dislikes and knows is going to cost more and provide less good health care, he can also now indicate that is has also morphed into the GREATEST TAX INCREASE IN US HISTORY. He needs to be on that pronto.