We need to take control of the curricula again
The best way is to shut down the compulsory government schools. They have been a socialist-entitlement from the beginning. Socialism can not be reformed.
Solution: Begin the process of total privatization of K-12 schooling.
Goal: Complete separation of school and state.
Yes. But the parent should be considered the First Teacher-—and it is the parent’s call—homeschool, get groups to form co-ops, one room school houses. Certification is eliminated since it just means government trained Change Agents (change the Christian Ethics to Marxist radical egalitarianism where men are women)-—Parents secure the curricula and Marxists curricula/skinner/Pavlovian psychological databases they have on all students is destroyed since it is unconstitutional-—(homeschool organizations have the best curricula which is not Godless).
Morals and Virtues are embedded into all the Classical Great Books. It is why the Marxists/Socialists /Dewey kicked it out-—so they could destroy Virtue in children—intentionally. ONE Standard of Right and Wrong—God’s—where our Rights originate.
All Western Civ knew Virtue is necessary for a Free Republic and there are Universal Truths—Moral Absolutes. They must be taught to all citizens who are by necessity—Under God (if they expect Rights) in this country.
Atheists should be tolerated but belittled in media-—the opposite is happening in this Anti-God culture now. Atheism takes more faith than Theism. It is not logical and Anti-American-—and we were founded in the Age of Reason. Founders did not tolerate Atheists as jurists. We need to get back to the Founding principles which made this country the most successful in the history of man.
Atheists can’t believe in Objective Truth and that is necessary for a belief in Natural Rights from God.