So, if the court strikes down the mandate part, the administration will still proceed on giving away taxpayer-funded healthcare, but no one will be forced to pay into the system (except the dwindling base of Federal taxpayers of course). Well, that should be really great for those of us unfortunate enough to have to pay taxes.
Obama and his backers never wanted the individual mandate, that was all a ploy to throw opponents off-track, it was a red herring.
What Obama wants is severability because then he gets to keep the Title IX Revenue Provisions which originates a tax on health plans and incomes, allowing for redistribution and increased government control.
Look it up, Title IX of the Act.
Obamacare was never about an ‘individual mandate’; it was always and still is about a massive tax increase on Americans to pay for utopian health benefits and more importantly to allow for increased government control.
The last time that I took a look at the actual, signed by Obama, law there was no clause which would allow the bill to continue if parts were found unconstitutional (severability). The various draft bills had the clause but the final version did not.
So, if the Supreme Court rules any part of ObamaCare unconstitutional the whole law goes under. Otherwise, the Supreme Court would be legislating from the bench. But then, isn't this what has been happening for years?
They'll just raid the Defense budget again.