Thanks to DoughtyOne for the heads up!
FREEP THIS POLL ***PING!*** FRmail me if you want to be added or removed from the Fearless Poll-Freeping Freepers Ping list. And be sure to ping me to any polls that need Freepin', if I miss them. (looks like a medium volume list) (gordongekko909, founder of the pinglist, stays on the list until his ghost signs up for the list)
I'll be handling the Poll Freeping pings while Dynachrome's gone. Errors and omissions are all mine until the handoff when he returns.
Yes! Who needs borders? Just let ‘em all in! My lawn needs mowing - 34%
Aw, Hell No! - 66%
Total Votes: 2,873
Please add me to the poll list.
Also, just voted:
34%, 65% with 3,084 Total Votes
Thank you!