What percentage of any jurisdiction’s police are militarized SWAT types. I’m guessing 5 to 10%. Most cops don’t go to work with M4s or HKs, dressed like storm troopers. So I don’t buy the militarized police. There’s been a member of my family of the NYPD continuously since 1951 and military is hardly how I would describe them. As far as this law, when you start shooting at the cops then you’ve put your whole family in the crosshairs, because there is one true thing about all cops. they leave home each day determined to do whatever it takes to get home at end of shift.
They’re in no more danger when unlawfully raiding someone’s home than they were before the law went into effect.
And they’re in no more danger lawfully entering someone’s home than if the law didn’t exist.
What the law does is protect the citizens should it happen that they shoot an officer who is illegally entering their home who they have no reason to believe is not a criminal. When someone is kicking in your door, people react. Shoot first and ask questions later.
If the police don’t go kicking in people’s doors, they likely won’t be mistaken for an armed robber/rapist and likely won’t be shot.
I don’t see people standing there giving a criminal a chance by checking to see if it’s a LEO first before they shoot. It is not realistic for your average citizen to conclude that the intruder is LE and to check before shooting simply because LEO’s should NOT be kicking in doors and illegally entering private property.
If they behaved themselves, it wouldn’t be an issue.