A Marxist is a "Socialist" who uses force or revolution to reach the 5th and final stage in the "economic evolution" called Communism, or what Karl Marx called "dialectal materialism".
So the question is is Barack Hussein Obama a socialist where revolution is not essential to achieve the ideal?
The answer is an obvious yes. But only because Obama and his fellow travelers have not figured out a way to take the US by force to make it into a Communist state like Mao, Stalin, or Castro did to their countries. To recap, it is 'yes' to both questions that he is definitely a Socialist and a wanna be Communist dictator.
All we need to do is consider who he associates and obviously wants to emulate: Odinga (Kenya), Zelaya (Honduras), Chavez (Ven.). I'm sure there are others, but these three start showing a pattern of his role models...
What zer0's regime did with Zelaya and Honduras at the beginning of his term was despicable and VERY alarming of where he plans to go...
I was reading about the Russian revolution the other night. The Bolsheviks used force and the Mensheviks were considered more moderate. When I read about the Mensheviks funny how the name Axelrod kept coming up. Coincidence?