Odd indeed.
Never would have had to leave but for lying traitors like Walter Kronkite.
Except for when Viet Nam needs men and arms from China when they are killing American soldiers?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend...........
45 years! Wow,it seems just like yesterday when I watched the mobs try to push their way into the American embassy in Saigon, the brave Marines who maintained order, the chaos on the roof of the embassy, and the Navy pushing the helicopters off of ship decks to make room for more people.
And the litter of rifles along Highway 1 as the South Vietnam discarded the weapons we Americans paid for.
And now, we’re in Afganstain. Corrupt leaders, populace unwilling to fight for their own freedom, inability to tell the good guys from the bad guys.
I don’t want to waste anymore American blood to fight for freedom for those who refuse to fight for their own freedom.
Our military is the best in the world. God Bless each and everyone of them.
More than just a military port! India, Burma, Thailand, cambidia and SE Asia are trying to agree on the construction/reconstruction of the Trans S. Asia Highway, India to VietNam!
I spit on all this.
That is communistic progress for you.
> the Pentagon is plotting a return.
Plotting?? No BIAS here, is there?
We supported the strong side in the Vietnam War. If we were supportive of Vietnam, they would eventually come to our side just like they are doing right now in the 21st Century.