I became an American citizen in 1975...
I was born in New Zealand...
As a teenager my 2nd great grandfather went from Canada to California and Australia for the gold rush in the early 1850s...
and from there to New Zealand...
His grandparents and great grandparents were Loyalists from New Rochelle, NY...
We always knew we were from the US...
We had his Bible with his history...
You are eligible to be president !!!
Hell, YOUR eligible to be president, your family bible has more background than all of Ubama's "History"!
Lols, You and My Mother were both born as Her Majesty's subjects (something else you share with ubama! J.K......or am I?)
So your G.G.G. Fathers people fled from the U.S. to Canada, back to the U.S., Australia, then New Zealand? Never left the English speaking world.
What made you want to come to America? I guess your family hailed from there.
You were in the service the same time as my Dad! Maybe you all met sometime!? Though I don't know how often the A.F. works with the Marine Corp.