“My soul is far more important than your fear of Obama.”
I’m not asking for an assessment of your soul, cripplecreek. I’m asking for your best plan to remove the commie Buckwheat from the Whitehouse.
I get it that you hate Romney. How does that remove Buckwheat?
I’m trying to establish common ground with FReepers. I’m saying that the No. 1 goal is to get Buckwheat and his mercenary Secret Service traitors out of the Whitehouse. That’s why I’m asking if you have a plan better than mine.
Well we threw Mitt’s Michigan patsies off the republican national committee last weekend. They both voted to change the delegate allocation rules AFTER the primary and now they’re gone. What have you done?
And really, barring some miraculous cataclysm in the meantime, the poll being taken this November amounts to whether the guard should change from one crazy unbeliever to another unbeliever who is probably more sensible. It can’t ever amount to a nomination for sainthood, and casting the question that way unconsciously is how we have people worried that their souls might be damned for checking the box by the Mormon’s name. I say nonsense to such a worry.
The reality is no one has a plan to expedite Obama’s political demise.
Mitt is it and that is reality
although some of these people are too busy foaming at the mouth to admit it.
Utopia is a long way off and politics aint pretty but thats the way it is....
The mouth foaming has solved nada
You are wasting your time with these people. They never are happy with any candidate unless that candidate does everything they want. And if not - they proceed to tear him/her down.
We realize we have to fight - no matter the weapon we are given. Obama is destroying America and it is in our hands to do what we can to stop it. I do not want a dictator or destruction of our constitution. I don’t want anything in the hands of Obama or a democrat.
So - we may not get all we want - but at least we would have a man that does love America and is an American.
Suggest we spend our time with tea party people willing to fight against Obama.
These are bench sitters - so the voters will decide and they can sit at their computers and pat themselves on the back for sitting out the most critical election for America.
It doesn't. But, it avoids a bigger disaster -- a Romney Presidency, which will be bigger than either Bush Presidency.
You keep wanting to pretend voting for a man with liberal record and no principles is going to make the country better. It won't.