To: sergeantdave; cripplecreek
And really, barring some miraculous cataclysm in the meantime, the poll being taken this November amounts to whether the guard should change from one crazy unbeliever to another unbeliever who is probably more sensible. It can’t ever amount to a nomination for sainthood, and casting the question that way unconsciously is how we have people worried that their souls might be damned for checking the box by the Mormon’s name. I say nonsense to such a worry.
75 posted on
05/25/2012 7:25:32 PM PDT by
HiTech RedNeck
(Let me ABOs run loose Lou, let me ABOs run loose! They are of much use Lou, so let me ABOs run loose)
To: HiTech RedNeck
casting the question that way unconsciously is how we have people worried that their souls might be damned for checking the box by the Mormons name. I say nonsense to such a worry.
I'm not among them and have never voiced a concern about mormons. Mitt just happens to be a lying liberal bottom feeding piece of trash and we all know it.
84 posted on
05/25/2012 8:01:18 PM PDT by
(What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
To: HiTech RedNeck
casting the question that way unconsciously is how we have people worried that their souls might be damned for checking the box by the Mormons name Maybe their souls will, barring repentance, for casting a vote for the father of gay marriage, someone that openly supports gay adoption and gays in the military and who is likely to replace judges like Scalia and Kennedy, neither of which would retire with Obama in the White House, with pro-Roe and pro-gay marriage justices.
138 posted on
05/26/2012 11:49:16 AM PDT by
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