——This normalizes the term and concept, especially for children. The idea of gender being neutral is Marxist twisting to make language irrational and meaningless when applied to human beings. It is trying to make mental illness normal.
They have done it for a centuryit is to destroy Natural Law Theory which is the basis of our ConstitutionMarx threw out Natural Laws so we have no absolutes and whoever has power can reshape human beings. They want to eliminate mother and fathers-destroy marriage so children will be given up to the state to raise and mold.——
We have a winner!
Most of the foot-soldiers (teachers, supers, union members) are useful idiots.
Yep-—useful idiots are becoming the majority because of the godless public school indoctrination and the Satanic MSM.
Education, with Truth, is the only answer. We need to get back to the Classical Education that we had until John Dewey, the Fabian Socialist.
I greatly admire St. Thomas Aquinas—he is responsible for Natural Law Theory being so central to Christianity and probably the basis for some of John Locke’s writing.