Oh good grief! The comic books are not usually about with whom the characters are having sex. It’s of absolutely no importance to the stories, unless the writer is pushing an agenda, in which case it’s not a comic book, it’s propaganda.
My mild curiosity is whether this "superhero" is going to be on the Gotham Turnpike, servicing a Glory Hole in a rest stop mens room.
I always thought that was the ultimate in the romance of homosexual behavior. Odd that it never gets the publicity it deserves...
Really, who cares about comic book characters? I never understood the interest by anyone over the age of 12. In today’s environment, I doubt anyone UNDER the age of, oh, 40, cares. Collectors and guys in their 40’s who still live in mom’s basement maybe.
Sorry, this silly in and out of the closet/commie/enviro whacko trend that everyone keeps writing about creeping into comic books - what power do they have over anything or anyone that we don’t grant them? If a tree in a forest is cut down to print a comic book, do I give a...., ah, never mind.
I say ditch the dime store comics and read Melville.
/rant off
Henceforth known as AC/DC Comics.
Is he going to lick every bad man?
Oh, they meant homosexual !
A 'male' character that chooses the deviance of anal sex with another 'male' in defiant negation of their innate biology.
- - -
REFUSE the Orwellian usurpation of OUR language by those who would destroy our culture !
This is something every one of us can do in ALL our interactions with others !
At the end of the day, your conscience will know whether you've made the effort.
Did he/she/it die of AIDS, or some other STD?
Perhaps he was stabbed 237 times because his lover didn't want paisley drapes?
He jumped off the Golden Gate because every time a Same Sex Marriage law has come up for an actual vote by the PEOPLE, it's been hammered down?
To be fair, Zapp Comix had Ruby and her Dyke Pirates decades ago.
It’s gotta be that Green Lantern guy.......I never did trust him.............
It can't be Green Lantern Hal Jordan, because he is in love with Carol Ferris, and also Jillian "Cowgirl" Pearlman.
It can't be Green Lantern John Stewart, because he married the late Katma Tui.
It can't be Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, because he is in love with Soranik Natu.
It can't be Green Lantern Guy Gardner, because he had a girlfriend named Kari Limbo. In fact, he seems to have had several girlfriends.
I wondered about former Green Lantern Sinestro, but apparently he was in love with Arin Sur (Abin Sur's sister).
So I don't think it's a Green Lantern character. But with space divided into 3600 sectors, with two Lanterns per sector, there are plenty of other choices.
I've always been a little suspicious about G'nort, though...
Their sales figures will evolve too.
How/why would the sexual preference of a comic book superhero even come up?
This is beyond asinine.
Guess us straight guys should be introducing ourselves as..
“Hi, I’m Vinnie. I like the missionary position”
Resolved......keep that crap out of the hands of your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Let the Homosexual community wallow in it.
If I was on the board of DC and saw this, I would move to fire the entire management hierarchy and find someone who was more interested in making a billion dollars making a movie like the Avengers for DC characters instead of alienating customers with creepy stuff like this. They need traditional heroes rather than PC trash.
Too bad I don’t read comics anymore so I could boycott these assholes.