You never did? It’s been a looming possibility for as long as I’ve been politically aware, nearly 20 years.
I’m in my late 50’s now, I’ve seen a lot change in my lifetime and my parents have seen even more. But a Police State? The Soviet Union was a Police State, East Germany was a Police State. The United Kingdom has almost completed its transition to a Police State.
As for us? We are well on the way now. When movement becomes completely curtailed by the authorities and you are required to have an internal passport to go from home to work then you are in a police state. When there is a camera watching “everything” we do including inside our dwellings then it’s a Police State.
We are not there yet, but I think it will happen and when it does... Strangely the thought just came to me, a massive solar storm or an EMP burst might be the saving grace to overthrow such tyranny.